Thursday, May 29, 2008

Dinner Monday the 2nd @ 7pm!!!!-

Hey Everybody-we will be doing dinner this Monday at the Humphrey's(7pm)! Since the weather has FINALLY gotten better I think we should fire the grill up and get the cornhole sets out.

Just leave a comment for what you would like to bring. Here is a list of some possibilities but bring whatever you want :)

Some kind of Salad
Dessert(my personal favorite)

Looking forward to seeing everyone.


Your Coupon Coach said...

I will bring some smoked turkey sausages and buns!

Emily said...

We'll bring a dessert because we may not be able to get there until 7:30 due to babysitter issues. But save some cornhole for us!

Abigail said...

Brett and I have got hamburgers and buns covered. Can't wait!

Anonymous said...

Jerron and I will bring a big ol'salad - lots o'greenery. ha ha!

Dave said...

I bought way too much fruit for a fruit salad this weekend. I'll make another for Monday. We'll also bring macaroni (sp?) salad. Can't wait to see everyone. Its been forever.

Kristin J said...

We'll bring a few bags of chips and some baked beans.