Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Merry Christmas everyone!!

Wednesday, December 10, 2008

Christmas Cookies

Hi girls!
Just wanted to touch base with everyone about our cookie making/decorating extravaganza next Friday. We're planning on meeting at the Humphreys' on the evening of the 19th. We still need to establish:
-What everyone is making
-Whether or not we need to pick up tins

I'll make sugar cookies ahead of time and have icing and sprinkles ready to go.

I'm sure I've forgotten at least a few details, so I will let you guys fill in the blanks! :) Looking forward to next Friday!

Monday, November 10, 2008

Thanksgiving : Sunday 4-4:30

Looking forward to celebrating Thanksgiving with everyone this Sunday. We'll plan to meet between 4-4:30 and eat by 5.

The menu is looking delicious...
Sweet potato casserole (Mowery)
Fresh vegetables (Evener)
Rolls (Evener)
Pumpkin Pie
Cheesecake Surprise (Hackworth)

5689 Genoa Farms, 43082

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Monday relocation

Hi all! Rather than invite all of you over to our germ-fest, it may be best to relocate the life group meeting for Monday. We're going to meet at the Humphreys at 7:30 - Abigail says this will be best for Emmaline's schedule. Brian may see you there - he seems to be healthy again.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

Thank you from Charity

Hi everyone! This afternoon Charity brought over a thank-you note for all of us, and apologized that it took so long. (Beth, can you mention it to Zoe if you think of it?) Here's what it says:

Dear Mowery Friends (and Mowerys),

I want to thank you all for serving my family so selflessly recently.

It's been so much better to not have that pole in our yard. I know it turned out to be a huge job and I thank you for perservering.

Thank you for watching all the kids. Thank you also for sanding my stairs and cleaning my fireplace. They look so different! You did an amazing job.

Last but not least, thank you for all the gifts you gave to Sam for the hospital. He loves them so much. They were not only very generous of you, but incredibly thoughtful as well.

I don't have enough room to express all of my thanks!!

On another note, check back to confirm about Monday night. We cannot seem to kick this cold from our household. Hopefully we'll feel better by Monday and I will disinfect the house for you, but we'll let you know.

Thursday, October 9, 2008

LG for next Monday, 10/13

Hi all! I hope you are having a good week! We're supposed to meet as a whole group next Monday at our house, but Brian's brother and his family are passing through town that night and crashing at our house (all 5 of them! Should be interesting!). So we won't be able to host group that night. Anyone else up for hosting?

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Beth Moore Books

Hello Ladies
The Beth Moore books are ordered and should be arriving shortly.
Have a great day